March 1, 2025 @ 1:00PM

After repeatedly not going high enough, we decided we needed to lighten up the rocket to go higher. We Replaced the ~60g transition with a ~35g one (a lot of paint added about 5 though) and also changed out the top section to be 15-20g lighter by shortening it and using smaller foam. We did have to use the gouge (we did all this in the woodshop after school) to make the transition and nose fit because we put the rail buttons as close to the end of the tube as possible because it was so short. We bought the egg foam (from Apogee) meant for 2.6" tubes rather than the actual size of our body tube which was 3" because they're way shorter and then we just created an adapter so it would fit.

Showing the inner tube with the foam Nose cone showing the gouged part


  • We're happy that we are now no longer undershooting the goal and just going over it so we can add weight to get closer. There was a bigger difference in height between today and last launch than we expected. Part of this might just be the exceptional weather today. We're hoping to launch again soon, maybe after school this week, with more of the Cesaroni motors Dave gave us because there's five of them. We should just be able to add a bit of weight and get there (790). Qualifying flights are due April 7th so we have about five weeks still.
  • insane balsa lottery transition drilled transition painted transition drilled transition transition with altimeter in showing the dowel used for the transition whole new top section of the rocket rocket taking off rocket taking off rocket landed on the field rocket landed on the field